Friday, June 28, 2024

Debacle in Atlanta

 President Joe Biden looked like a doddering old man and Donald Trump lied through his teeth at their debate last night. Neither one was edifying and most important neither one talked about the future further confirming the public's suspicion of both candidates. The Democratic Party talking heads are in full blown melt down calling for Biden to withdraw from the race leaving the way open for a new nominee. This will not happen unless leading Democratic office holders follow the lead of the pundit class.

However even if Biden steps down,  there is a fly in the ointment. Because the Democratic Convention occurs on Aug 19-22 two weeks after the Ohio filing deadline of August 7th, the plan was for the convention to electronically nominate Biden prior to the deadline. Now if Biden steps down and the Democrats have an open convention to select a new nominee, that nominee will not be on the Ohio ballot, thereby conceding the state to Trump. Further, without a presidential race in Ohio, it is likely that the veteran Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown would go down to defeat. Thus the Dems would be between a rock and a hard place.

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