Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Hidden Agenda Behind Trump's VP Pick

There is all kinds of speculation about who Donald Trump will pick for his VP. Pundits are evaluating all of the candidates in a very traditional sense from the likelihood of the candidate adding to the ticket or at minimum doing no harm. One week Marco Rubio is up, in another week Elise Stefanick looks good and then there is the acolyte, J.D. Vance. As of this five minutes former North Dakota governor Doug Burgum, with a limited national reputation, seems to have the edge  

My guess is that Burgum, who will be 68 in August will be Trump's pick. However, he will be picked because he is bland and thus will be far less of a threat when Don Jr. enters the fray in 2028. Daddy Trump wants to build a dynasty and the biggest threat to that would be a charismatic VP pick that would either be a sitting vice-president in 2028 or a very well known national figure poised to make a run then. 

Don Jr. is speaking everywhere for his dad and his being around three presidential campaigns and one term in the White House he certainly has the bug. Hidden in plain sight, Don Jr. is being groomed to succeed his father as the leader of Trump World. The risk to my thesis would be if Trump perceives himself to be far behind in July he might be forced to abandon Don Jr. and pick charismatic candidate for VEEP.

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