Tuesday, June 11, 2024

My Amazon Review of Nellie Bowles' "Morning After the Revolution........"

 The True Believers*


A few years ago, I called Nellie Bowles a “national treasure” on Twitter. With her new book she has certainly lived up to that appellation. Bowles a former New York Times reporter and now a reporter/editor with her wife Bari Weiss at the very lively Free Press. If you haven’t already subscribed, I urge you to check it out.


Bowles is today a refugee from the woke culture which she thoroughly subscribed to in the second decade of our century. Her book is a series of essays on such topics as the cancel culture, the failure of San Francisco, the struggle sessions involved in the woke culture, the trans culture, policing and the hustlers in the anti-racism world, among others.


It seems that whatever the cause, be it anti-racism, anti-police, support for trans individuals, and today anti-Israel protestors there seems to be need on the far left to believe in something. So, if the protests around Black Lives Matter fizzled out there are new causes to believe in. These folks find their identity in believing in something. They are true believers in the sense Eric Hoffer wrote about them over seventy years ago.


As a result, there is no arguing with them because the cause they currently believe in takes on a religious intensity. To me, in many respects, their causes are a substitute for religion. Nellie Bowles has written an important book for our time because it gives insight into the extremes we are now witnessing.


·     *  Apologies to Eric Hoffer



For the full Amazon URL see: The True Believers* (amazon.com)

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