Wednesday, March 5, 2025

My Review of I.S. Berry's "The Peacock and the Sparrow"

 Betrayal in the Desert

Former CIA Officer I.S. Berry has written a terrific first novel set in Bahrein at the time of the Arab Spring. It is a classic espionage novel. Her protagonist is Shawn Collins, an aging CIA officer with an alcohol problem. He finds Rashid, a questionable source within the Iran-backed Shia underground that is attempting to overthrow the ruling Sunni monarchy.

Collins’ new station chief is a young and arrogant Ivy leaguer who thinks he knows it all. The two don’t get along from the start. Collins is attracted to a stunning local artist named Almaisa of European/Arab parentage. She has studied in the west and his interest in her is more personal than professional.

With Almaisa and Rashid we get a sense of the real Bahrein. We get a real smell of the streets and get an understanding of violence associated with uprising. I visited Bahrein on business many years ago and only saw its office towers and a large collection of Mercedes automobiles. I didn’t see the back streets or the outskirts of Manama, the capital.  

Along the way we get a sense of the politics of the CIA and the habits of the elite westerners who reside there. They live in a different world. If I had one criticism it would be the lack of maps, for the country as a whole and Manama. It would have made it much easier to follow the plot.

Saturday, March 1, 2025


I never felt so ashamed for my country than I did yesterday when I watched President Trump bully Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the oval office in front of a worldwide television audience. In Trump’s mind Zelensky was guilty of not kissing his ass so Trump stood foursquare for Putin’s aggression in Ukraine and in the process seemed to abandon the Western Alliance. I really should not have been surprised because his administration threw Ukraine under the bus at the Munich Security Conference two weeks ago. (See:

As I noted then what Trump is doing is not appeasement, but rather he has made the U.S. a co-aggressor with Putin’s Russia. This will end badly with China being the only real winner. If there is a small silver lining here it will be to rouse Europe from its slumber by forcing a massive increase in its hitherto inadequate military expenditures.

In the aftermath of Trump’s bullying, I was nauseated to watch his sycophants cheer him on. Secretary of State Marco Rubio, Secretary of the Treasury Scott Bessent and Senator Lindsay Graham all belong in the hall of shame. Trump wanted a cabinet of suck-ups; he certainly has one.