Monday, December 23, 2024

2025: The Revenge of the Bond Vigilantes

 Before going on to our thoughts about the outlook for 2025, I would like to review what we got wrong and what we got right about 2024. ( See:

We were dead wrong about the stock market. Instead of trading in 5000-4200 range, The S&P 500 soared above 6000.

Stocks completely ignored the geopolitical risks we outlined.

The S&P 493 did not outperform the Mag 7. 

What we got right or close to right:

Inflation, as measured by the core CPI, accelerated to a 3% run rate and the 10-Year Treasury closed well above 4%. (For my UCLA discussion on the economy see:

The Fed avoided a recession but did not cut rate soon enough to help Biden.

The presidential election was close, and, at the time, we were leaning toward Trump.

Ukraine did not set the West Siberian oilfields ablaze, but it did hit energy infrastructure deep into Russia.

It looks like Israel has defeated Hamas, but Saudi Arabia, as of yet, is not on track to join the Abraham Accords.

Now for what 2025 will look like:

Inflation will run at a 3% rate because of continued wage growth of above 4%, the imposition of tariffs and the beginnings of a mass deportation of undocumented/illegal immigrants.

With continued inflation and a rising federal deficit, the yield on 10-Year Treasuries will exceed 5%. The bond vigilantes will exact their revenge.

In this environment stocks will exhibit the volatility we though would happen this year and the S&P 500 will likely trade in a wide range of say 6400-5400, closing lower on the year.

The House Republican Caucus which puts the “dys” in dysfunction will get is act together to renew the 2017 tax cuts with a $20,000 SALT deduction. The other elements of Trumps tax cut plans will be put in separate bills making passage unlikely.

Two of Trump’s controversial cabinet appointees will be turned town by the Senate.

France is fast becoming the new Greece and German dysfunction will only increase.

Israel will attack Iran’s nuclear infrastructure which will bring with it unknowable consequences.

As they say in Las Vegas, read’em and weep, but remember I am often wrong and never in doubt.

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