Sunday, September 5, 2021

My Amazon Review of Andy Weir's "Project Hail Mary"


Junior High School Teacher Meets Space Alien


Software engineer turned sci-fi writer Andy Weir has offered up a novel that space nerds will love. The proof of this is over 31,000 reviews on Amazon. His protagonist is Ryland Grace, a former university professor of molecular biology whose heterodox views force him out of academia, and he ends up teaching junior high school science. Nevertheless, because his heterodox papers caught the attention of the powers that be, he is drafted into a global program to save the earth from being frozen because a mysterious force is draining the sun of its energy. That force is a stream of high energy microbes called astrophage.


Grace ends up on up on a mission to a distant star that seems to be unaffected.  The mission is a continuous series of near disasters that overwhelms the reader. The best I can tell, the physics of what is happening seems to be correct. Along the way Grace meets up with a spider-like space alien who breathes ammonia who is also on a similar mission to save his planet. So much for a spoiler alert.


I enjoyed the book, but Weir put too many “perils of Pauline” moments in his plot. It became exhausting over time. My guess is that when the motion picture comes out, much, but not all, of that will be edited out.

For the full Amazon URL see: Junior High School Teacher Meets Space Alien (

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