World War 1 started 100 years ago today
and to the stock market it seemed to come from totally out of the blue. Simply
put the stock market failed miserably as a discounting mechanism. Why? The
markets were unduly complacent about international affairs where from 1900 –
1914 there were two Moroccan crises and two Balkan Wars that many thought that
any one of them would lead to a general war. Those crises were settled
diplomatically and thus when the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated
in Sarajevo by a Bosnian terrorist in the pay of Serbia, the markets thought
nothing of it.
Although the U.S. was far away from the
enveloping European Crisis as an emerging market, it was unduly dependent upon
the inflow of foreign capital. As the crisis came to a boil European investors
liquidated their U.S. holdings and the Treasury feared a run on gold. The stock
exchange closing along with other measures short circuited the run and enabled
the U.S. to remain on the gold standard.
The July 1914 complacency is eerily reminiscent
of the world today. We are now in the midst of the second Ukrainian crisis of
the year, from Libya to Iraq the Middle East is in flames, and China is making
serious naval probes in Southeast Asia. In all likelihood the world will muddle
through, but the lesson of 1914 is disquieting.
Here is a thumbnail history of the Dow
Jones Industrial Average matched with the events of 1914. A casual reader will
note that the stock market did not respond to the events in Europe until war
was imminent.
Date DJIA Event
January 2 – 57.6 Year Opens
March 20 - 61.1
Year High
June 27 -
58.7 Day before Assassination
June 29
- 58.6 Day After Assassination (Market closed
on June 28)
July 22 -
59.2 Day Before Austrian Ultimatum
July 23 -
59.0 Austria Delivers
Ultimatum to Serbia
July 28 -
55.9 Austria Declares War on
Serbia – WW 1 Begins
July 29 -
56.2 Relief Rally
July 30 -
52.3 Russia Mobilizes
July 31 - Stock Exchange Closes
3 - Germany Invades Belgium